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He touched and tasted, reassuring himself with every lick and bite, that his cowboy was
safe and whole. And home.
Moving slowly, every cell in his body tingled with awareness, as if his lover s name
was whispering through his bloodstream, becoming permanently etched on the very
fiber of his being.
 Straddle my chest, up nice and high. I want to taste you while I get you ready.
Ty spread his knees around Cass shoulders and leaned forward on the headboard.
His lover pressed a well-lubed finger against his hole at the same time he wrapped his
lips around the tip of his cock.
Breath left Ty in a huff with the double sensation. As before, Cass took his time,
inserting one finger until Ty relaxed enough to take two, then three. His lover s mouth
did nothing much more than tease his cock, tongue flicking against the broad tip,
mouthing the cap. It was enough to nearly drive Ty out of his mind.
 Enough, I m ready. I don t want to wait; I want you inside me, Cass. He slid back
and rolled the condom on his lover s dick and lubed him generously. Ty crawled over
Cass, his knees spread far apart.
Cass watched him with an unmistakable heat in his eyes.  Okay, baby, help me line
you up. Then you control how slow we go. Cass slid a hand up Ty s back, then gently
along his side, down to a thigh and then returned to trace the same path over again.
Everything Cass had done so far, touching him, filling him, had made Ty burn with
need. He took a deep breath, ready to feel his lover inside of him, so ready to
consummate their love. The thought nearly startled him off his knees. Their love. Of
course it was love. He d not actually told Cass how he felt. Not when he was conscious
any way.
More sure than ever that this was what he wanted, Tyler pushed down, not
hesitating as he pressed the broad cap through his puckered hole and lowered himself
Hands immediately tightened on him, locking him in place, preventing him from
moving any further. Half a second later, he realized why. He felt the burn, then a
searing pain that made his dick limp. He hissed through tightly clenched teeth.
 Fuck, Tyler. Are you trying to kill yourself? Cass hissed through teeth apparently
just as tight.
 Oh God, Ty said.  I
Even as he said it, Cass hands were caressing his skin, soothing him, and the burn
began to fade.
 So tight, oh baby, of course it hurts, Cass murmured hoarsely.  I m sorry, babe. I
meant for you to go slow. Breathe for me, nice deep breaths. He didn t move, didn t
dare let Ty move until his body had adjusted to the invasion. He reached to touch Ty s
cock, slow, lazy stokes, that led lower to his balls. Ty s body was still tight with the
shock of him, but he could feel it gradually relax, slowly loosening up, trusting him.
He was filled with wonder that this man who had been through so much, who gave
so much, was here with him, giving the most private part of himself. Ty dropped his
head forward, and Cass saw the faint sheen of sweat, and felt sick that he d caused his
lover distress. Then Tyler s hips started to move and he knew that the pleasure had
started to chase away the pain.
 Oh, Cass, Tyler said when Cass shifted his hips, moving inside him. Then Ty
started to move, a slow, short rise, then down.  Oh, damn, that feels
Tyler said and started rocking, sliding up until Cass nearly slipped out of him, and
pushing back down with increasing force. He d found a rhythm and was sending them
both racing toward the edge. Cass stroked Ty s cock with one hand, while using the
other on his lover s hips to change the angle of entry. Each long thrust swiped against
the younger man s gland. He felt Tyler s orgasm when it came in his stiffening body
and the tight clamp of his ass. Ty threw back his head howled,  Caaaaassss.
Cass needed no further encouragement. In fact, he couldn t have lasted a moment
longer even if he wanted to. A chain reaction of mini spasm-like explosions seemed to
travel from his balls to the base of his spine, all the way to his brain, leaving him seeing
spots before his eyes. Afraid he might pass out, Cass focused on breathing, even while
he rocked his hips against Tyler s ass, as they shuddered their way back to planet Earth,
Without a word, Tyler rose, letting Cass spent dick slide from his body. He watched
as Ty took care of the condom, then came back to lie next to him, stroking a gentle hand
across Cass belly.
Cass felt paralyzed, afraid to speak, knowing it hadn t been good for Tyler. What if
he leaves? What if he never wants to see me again? I am such a fucking idiot for not waiting
until I could do it right. God, I hurt him.
 Cass, Tyler said, his fingers stroking over Cass chest.
He couldn t answer, couldn t speak, as the terrible words sounded in his head. Oh
God, here it comes. I don t think I m strong enough to take it if he leaves.
Ty rolled up on his side, crooked an elbow, and propped his head on his hand.
 Look, at me, Cass. I need to tell you something.
I m gonna be sick, Cass thought.
 God, Cass, I m sorry, did I hurt you? Tyler asked, voice suddenly full of concern.
Cass heard himself make a noise that he d intended to be a snort, but sounded
suspiciously like a sob. He shook his head, but that was all he could do, there was no
speaking around the lump in his throat.
 Cass, honey, look at me, Tyler implored.
Did he just call me honey? Cautiously he raised his eyes to meet that wonderfully
steady crystal blue gaze of his lover.
Ty touched him, a gentle caress along the temple with a single finger until he
cupped Cass jaw in one big hand and wouldn t allow him to look away.
 The other night, I said let s not worry about the words. I thought I knew what you
were going to say, and I wasn t sure I was ready for that. He leaned in and brushed a
gentle kiss across Cass lips.
 I didn t know
thought you were Gibby under the
thought I should know you, but I didn t. Not then. But I never stopped trusting you. I
knew when you told me that Tony was the one, not Jed. I mean, I already thought Tony
was the one to watch, and not just because of the shotgun. Something wasn t right
about what he was saying to Jed, but I couldn t remember their story. Hell, I couldn t
remember my story 
Cass started to laugh, which hurt, but in a good way. He reached up and put his
hand over Tyler s. He suddenly felt very much better about what Ty wanted to tell him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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