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discharge of the bomb almost inaudible.
 Bless my firecrackers! ejaculated Mr. Damon after the test was over.  I
never would have believed it! Tom, you are a genius!
 I don't know about that, said the inventor.  But I am delighted with the
Excited and pleased, young Swift hurried back to the Shopton plant to continue
writing out formulas and working on the airplane silencer. Reaching his
laboratory, he ordered sandwiches and milk brought. Then he left instructions
that under no circumstances should he be disturbed.
 Now for some work, he thought.
First he ground to a powder a quantity of the Bartantalum and placed it in the
electric smelting furnace. While the apparatus was heating, Tom rigged up a
movingpicture camera and focused it through the quartz window upon the melting
substance. Then he settled down to a long vigil.
 I must learn why the power plant was put out of commission the last time I
broke down the ore! he declared peering through the window in front of which
he had arranged also a tiny, powerful spotlight and a number of lenses to aid
his vision.  If I don't solve thatwell, it will be practically impossible to
make Bartantalum on a large scale!
The long, silent hours dragged by, the big laboratory in darkness save for the
intense beam of white light projected into the furnace. Midnight came and went
unnoticed by the intent young experimenter, who was keenly noting every
change, however slight, that took place in the fiery mass in the smelter.
Suddenly a green light leaped up.
 That's it! exclaimed Tom Swift, noting how crazily the pointer of the
voltmeter behaved.  When the flame appears is the time to be careful, he
added, shutting off the power.  Another instant and there would have been a
burnout in the power plant!
The metal by no means was reduced yet to the desired form. Tom had to keep
adjusting the temperature as the little flame danced over the crucible; too
high a heat meant trouble; too low, and the chemical process would stop. It
was a delicate, nervestraining job.
 I must invent an automatic control, he thought wearily after two hours of
Tom Swift And His Magnetic Silencer
Almost overcome with drowsiness he let his eyelids slowly close. Finally he
went sound asleep. Thus it was that he did not notice a thin film of smoke
which began to curl beneath the door, leading to the corridor. It was some
little time before he awoke, choking.
 What is it? he thought.
In an instant he knew. Jumping up, he rushed into the hall, only to be met by
a heavy volume of smoke which seemed to be coming from his office. His
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precious papers! He had left them all on top of his desk.
 The automatic sprinkler! he thought.  It will turn on pretty soon. It may
keep the papers from burning up but the water will ruin my whole experiment
here. An icy bath on that smelter will mean the end of everything!
Quickly he turned off the sprinkler control in his laboratory, so the water
would drain from the overhead pipes. Putting his coat over his head, he dashed
from the room. The selflocking door slammed shut behind him. He was trapped!
Holding his breath until he was ready to burst, Tom made his way by instinct
toward an outer door. Before he could reach it, he was forced to fill his
lungs with the heavy smoke. Able to hold out no longer, he fell to the floor.
 Mr. Swift! Mr. Swift! the young inventor heard in the distance as he lost
To him it seemed an eternity, but in reality it was only a few seconds before
one of the firemen of the plant had picked up his stricken employer and
carried him outside the building.
 Are you all right? he asked as Tom opened his eyes.
 YYes, came the halting reply.
Tom realized that a lot of activity was going on about him.
 Is the fire a bad one? he asked the man who still stood by him.
 Mostly smoke, came the reply.  If you're feeling O. K., I'll go help the
There was no need for this, for at that moment the chief came up with a
welcome announcement.
 Mr. Swift, he said,  the fire is out!
 That's good news! said the young scientist.  Did it cause much damage?
 No, I'm glad to say. Your sprinkler system held the flames in check until we
could rig our hoses.
 What caused the blaze, do you think? asked Tom.
 This! The uniformed firefighter held up a blackened wire in his gloved hand.
 A shortcircuit in the wall.
Tom Swift And His Magnetic Silencer
In a little while the corridors and rooms were entirely free of smoke. Tom,
now able to make an inspection, was relieved to find that the damage amounted
to little. His latest experiments were unharmed, a fact which induced him to
go home and get some sleep.
Since he had been under a constant, heavy strain for some time lately he
allowed himself to be persuaded by
Ned Newton the next morning to take the day off. The two went down to Lake
Carlopa for a motorboat cruise.
 You ought To do this more often, Ned told him that evening, as they made
their craft fast to the pier.  You work entirely too hard!
 It was fun, all right, admitted the inventor.  And do you know I got a
couple of good ideas while we were out there! If the Bartantulum were fused
with rubber and aluminum it would be much more efficient.
 Oh, you're hopeless! chuckled his business manager.  Can't you EVER get your
mind off your experiments?
 By the way, said Tom.  I'd like to phone home.
As he went toward a booth, he noticed someone inside. Then he was startled to
hear the person say,  This is
Rumble, Mr. Damon. I'm calling to tell you I have to make a little business
trip out of town. I won't be back for a few days.
The man dashed from the booth without noticing Tom, who at once put money into
the phone and dialed his home. Receiving a busy signal, he decided not to wait
and sought out Ned.
 Take a look over there at that man who is just driving off in the black
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