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Cup of Menstrual Blood and from the Golden Chalice of the Beast, the life of the
Cain or Tubal-Cain is the anthropomorphic child of the spiritual union of Samael
(The Dragon) and Lilith (The Mother of Demons) through Adam and Eve.
In some Christian  Gnostic Texts, such as the Apocryphon of John Cain is called The Sun.
Vox Sabbatum  The Witches Sabbat
Cain is the wanderer, the first murderer who tasted blood and became as the off
spring of his spiritual mother and father. Cain is also the Black Smith of the Forge,
a myth which originates in the Middle East. Cain is the first Sorcerer and Shape
Shifter, who drifted from his tribe (antinomianism) to become as a God (Self-
Deification). He in turn was taught witchcraft and sorcery deeper by his spiritual
Mother, Lilith. It was soon after that Cain would wander the earth forever, in
spirit form, through the blood and psyche of his initiates, and manifest through
their deeds and work. Cain walks between worlds, as Set, as his higher spirit,
Azazel, called also Yaltabaoth23 and is the Horned Black Man of the Sabbat. To
know the Path of the Wise is to know and commune with Cain, to become like
him through initiatory Work based on your own predilection.
The Islamic traditions consider Satan to be a Djinn of Fire, which presents a
certain superiority over other angels. Azazel was originally the preacher to all the
other angels in pre eternity, who was first seated under the Throne of Glory.
Azazel was cast from heaven for refusing to bow before clay (Adam) and thus
fell into the darkness. It was Ayn al-Qozat Hamadani who symbolized Iblis being
a Guardian of the Threshold, a Black Light and the Tresses which hide the
beloved s face. Thus Shaitan was a guardian and initiatory focus24, from which
one could move through to Godhead. It is essentially, self-deification through
separation from the natural order. In the Gnostic Christian text, the Apocryphon
of John, Yaltabaoth or Lucifer came forth from a beautiful angel in Islamic lore to
a Lion headed Serpent, its eyes were like Lightening flashes& the Antinomian
Djinn was born, who would fall as lightening and know both the highest celestial
realms and the chthonic depths of the earth and hell.
In Summary&
As the reader has moved through the Darkness of this Work, let the
origins of the Sabbat now come to the surface, that which falls to
darkness emerges in Light  this is the Luciferian Path itself, thus this
writing is meant as a spell to the reader, by your absorption of this tome
you have cast the spell within, perhaps the Hammer of Cain shall ignite
the Djinn  Fire within.
The Apocryphon of John.
Also called the Divine Imagination, Shaitan is thus our Higher Faculty of self-inspiration.
Vox Sabbatum  The Witches Sabbat
This book was published by Succubus Publishing on July 28th, 2003.
This edition is an Online version, which has less artwork than the
planned paper edition scheduled for issue late 2003 early 2004. This
is a grimoire which is meant to present a concise and clear study
from which practice may develop, of the Witches Sabbat. As an
initiatory model, this practice serves to be the most challenging yet
most rewarding for those who may be daring and strong enough for
the Left Hand Path. As you have seen the Sigillic Drawing of the
Sorcerer, who has become both as Lucifer and Ahriman,
surrounded with the Crooked Dragon  Leviathan, may that image
haunt your dreams, these words carry on nightwings the desire of
the Sabbat  So is Will Be  BECOME!
Vox Sabbatum by Michael W. Ford © 2003
Artwork by Elda Isela Ford © 2003 Other art by various illustrators.
Cover  Sabbat, Witch offering Navel Cord and Daemon Initiator
Pg. 16  Belial from Hades, based from medieval painting.
Pg. 22  Lucifer  Ahriman  Leviathan, Self-Transformation
Michael Ford * P.O. Box 926344 * Houston, TX 77292 * USA
Vox Sabbatum  The Witches Sabbat
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