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Boy, will they be surprised to see you!
Better hurry up and get well, Flinthall. Your
vacation starts tomorrow.
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Cartoons 9
09 Now turn off the light and start yelling for a 01 How long have you been waiting?
glass of water! And we don t have to go back to school until
Thanks, Ed. Now pass the salt, please. September!
A little more work, true, but it s better to be sure. Let s have another peek at that address.
Kevin is sick and won t be able to come to I m out here eating a piece of cake.
school today. This is my father.
02 No, you may not borrow my knife!
10 I haven t been in a canoe in fifteen years. Stop growing!
Any other symptoms? Are you sure that  no is your final answer?
Well, do I get waited on or do I turn the children You re on the wrong train.
Morning is the worst time of day for Harold. 03 I m sure I have my ticket here somewhere.
Breakfast ready, honey?
If he rams the boat, we re finished.
You don t owe me a thing for babysitting. I won
twenty dollars from the kids!
04 How do you spell  cannibalism ?
I guess I should have cooked him a little longer.
In twenty words or less, how s the family?
Oh, I forgot to tell you. I met Bill Jansen today.
Helen is sick, and they canceled the party.
05 I m coming! I m coming!
Hand me that big heavy thing.
Well, however it s pronounced, I want some of
Don t let all this legal terminology confuse you!
It simply means you re getting twenty years in
06 You need a haircut.
Will someone in the audience lend me their
Hold this while I row to a better spot.
Then for dinner they re going to serve...
07 Goodness, did I go off and leave the television
on all day?
Before I tell you if he s mine, you tell me what
he s done.
Nice work, Smith. But the fire happens to be
next door.
Taxi, sir?
08 Oh, good! You found him!
It s working beautifully now!
Hit the ball? You mean like that?
How was the vacation?
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Continued Cartoons 10
17-09 17-10
09 I said my horn is stuck! That s what seems to be 01 Just let him know that you re not afraid of him.
the problem! It didn t hurt at all. You gave it to my teddy bear.
Dad, may I borrow the car? Giving him nose drops...Why?
You re working too hard, Ralph. Whatever you ve been doing, do the opposite.
I don t see how you keep your house so neat
when you have four children. 02 Oh, she s fine, thanks! Say, warden, I really
called for another reason!
10 And what does the kitten say? That s right! And Oh, come now, Mr. Peters, you must take your
what does the puppy say? Daddy s big boy has medicine.
that one right, too! And what does the bird say? Can I keep him, Mom?
Tell me again how much money we re saving. The tempting thing about forgery is that one 29
He s an excellent plumber, but I don t care much cent ballpoint pen puts you in business!
for his helper.
The kids will love our newest toy. 03 I m working late, dear. There have been a few
changes around here.
Notice how a striped suit makes you seem taller!
By the way, I spoke to the landlord about a
bigger apartment.
It s a get well card from your boss. It sounds like
an order.
04 It always takes him a while to get going on
Monday mornings.
You can t leave just because the party s over!
You live here!
Don t you think your mother is spoiling him?
Congratulations, sir! You re my first customer.
05 Bartlett is a good worker. He hasn t missed a day
in 41 years!
No more horror movies and that s final.
No, I didn t date any other men while you were
That was to show you how the brakes work!
Now we ll take her out for the speed test.
06 Frankly, Mildred, I was a lot happier when we
had mice.
Yes, she was expecting you, but she s home
Well that makes us even! This is the first time
I ve ever given one!
I m thinking about making this my last trip.
07 He s just a big, clumsy, good-natured country
boy. That thing behind the barn is an oil well.
He s NOT heavy, Daddy. You re standing on his
He s forty-six, but he has the vigor of a man
twice his age.
Please, Clifford! Everybody s looking!
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08 Let s make a deal. You don t tell me about your 01 a classroom
day and I won t tell you about my day. a blackboard
Now let us pause for a moment, Mrs. Molbank, a teacher
while we think this thing through. a student
Why can t he just hide under the bed like other
dogs? 02 the playground
Don t worry, it s a rotten apple! a trampoline
a swingset
09 Frankly, you ve got us stumped. But we ll find a slide
out what s wrong at the autopsy!
Just how long have you been bowling, Frank? 03 an eraser
Nine times six is seventy-two! Now will you a ruler
stop bothering mother while she s working on a notebook
the budget? a textbook
Actually, I pictured a much younger man.
04 an overhead projector
10 And, since money has brought nothing but a slide projector
misery and unhappiness to me, and not wishing a piece of chalk
to pass this burden on to those I leave behind, I an eraser
decided to take it with me.
It s beautiful, Aunt Martha. Now if we can only 05 a hallway
find the right place for it. lockers
Some winter I m going to stay awake just to see a school building
how those leaves get back up on the trees. a lock
I think you re mistaken. The ones that used to
throw nuts at us from trees were smaller and 06 a trumpet
had tails. a violin
a piano
a recorder
07 a basketball court
a soccer field
a swimming pool
a tennis court
08 a music class
an art class
a mathematics class
a physics class
09 a gym class
a chemistry laboratory
a cafeteria
a geography class
10 a schoolbus
a backpack
a test
a desk
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Electronics and Appliances House Parts and Furnishings
18-02 18-03
01 a television 01 a floor
a computer a ceiling
a radio a wall
a VCR a door
02 a cassette tape 02 curtains
a cassette player a wardrobe
a CD a table
a CD player a bookcase
03 a microwave 03 a chandelier
a refrigerator a fireplace
a stove a lamp
a blender a light switch
04 a toaster 04 a clothes hanger
a vacuum cleaner a porch
an iron a washing machine
a coffee maker a window
05 a record 05 a chest of drawers
a record player a rug
a speaker a bed
a microphone a mirror
06 a portable stereo 06 an attic
a blow-dryer a cellar
an electric razor a garage
an electric guitar a driveway
07 a keyboard 07 a shower
a mouse a sink
a monitor a toilet
a power cord a bathtub
08 a remote control 08 an easy chair
a cellular phone a stool
a printer a bench
an antenna a sofa
09 an electrical outlet 09 a closet
a floppy disk a stairway
an analog watch a bedroom
a digital watch a dining room
10 a satellite dish 10 a living room
a typewriter a kitchen
headphones a bathroom
batteries a chimney
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