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Gromyko, Ustinov, and Ponomarev to in-
form the Politburo, and if necessary, to pre-
pare corresponding documents and submit
them to the Politburo.
I will say that that Commission did its
work well. Most recently a whole range of
resolutions were accepted and correspond-
ing measures were implemented.
It seems to me that the situation in Af-
ghanistan is still far from the time when it
will not require daily observation and the
acceptance of corresponding operational
measures. Therefore, it seems to me that it
is not necessary to create any sort of new
commission; instead, we will assign the very
same Commission to continue its work in
the same spirit as it conducted it up until
Will there be any objections to that pro-
posal? No.
Then we will consider that the Polit-
buro Commission will act, with its former
GROMYKO. In the leadership of Af-
ghanistan, a consolidation of forces is go-
ing on. The often appeal to us for advice.
We give it. They make proclamations.
There are no essential changes in the mili-
tary situation. But it also has not worsened.
This is a very important element. The Army
supports the leadership of Afghanistan.
The international situation around Af-
ghanistan has taken a turn for the worse.
The ruckus, which has unfolded particulary
broadly in the USA, has also assumed a
somewhat weakened form. In NATO there
is no unity regarding measures toward the
Soviet Union. In any case the Western coun-
tries — in particular, FRG, Italy, Turkey, and
on the premises of the Soviet representatives
to the U.N. or in the buildings of the Soviet
consulate-general. It is desirable not to ad-
vertise that Safronchyuk arrived in New
York to render you assistance. Officially,
he is going in the capacity of a member of
the Soviet delegation to the session of the
GA [General A of the UN, which, as is
known, is still carrying on its work.
Sh.M.Dost. Should I say something
regarding China, and, if so, in what capac-
A.A.Gromyko. In the case that rude
accusations and various kinds of insinua-
tions are leveled in the direction of Afghani-
stan, it will be necessary to respond with a
decisive rebuff. However, in the course of
the Security Council session it is hardly nec-
essary to dwell on China, as in such an event
the Chinese representative would be happy
to hear it. Do not create an advertisement
for the Chinese, but certainly do give a re-
Sh.M.Dost. Concerning the propa-
ganda campaigns carried on by the USA and
other Western countries on “human rights,”
shouldn’t I speak at length about the fact
that after the 27th of December in Afghani-
stan, the new leadership of DRA has freed
all political prisoners, regardless of class,
religion, language, tribe or ethnicity, or po-
litical views[?] We can, right now, invite to
Afghanistan representatives from any coun-
try and show them that our jails are empty.
A.A.Gromyko. This is a very wise and
important measure on the part of the gov-
ernment of DRA. You should certainly
speak about it in detail.
# 020/gs
[Source: TsKhSD, f. 89, per. 14, dok. 36;
provided by M. Kramer; trans. by D. Rozas.]
CC CPSU Politburo transcript, 17
January 1980 (excerpt)
[handwritten] P179
Top Secret
Only copy
Working Transcript
17 January 1980
work with religious officials.
USTINOV reports in detail the mili-
tary situation in various areas of Afghan ter-
ritory; he says: overall, the military situa-
tion is basically satisfactory, there are now
significantly fewer hotbeds of resistance by
the rebels.
PONOMAREV speaks about the type
of measures which have been taken regard-
ing the creation of the party and the strength-
ening of unity. He reports that yesterday a
group of our advisers consisting of 16
people, with Com. Grekov, L.I. at the head
of it, was sent to Afghanistan. Babrak
Karmal listens very attentively to the advice
of our comrades. The leadership of the party
now has a backbone.
BREZHNEV. There is a proposal to
accept for consideration the information of
Coms. Gromyko, Andropov, Ustinov, and
Ponomarev on this issue.
Assign Coms. Gromyko, Andropov,
Ustinov, and Ponomarev to continue their [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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