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into his stomach. Danny hardened his face and began to
descend again. His boots echoed in the stillness. The
Illumination had no business interfering with the Dominion.
Danny walked out into the sunshine, blinking at the
brightness of it. It seemed odd to have the sweet rays when
there had been so much death only a few hours before. The
fairground was filled with people - men, women and children.
67 Derekica Snake
"What is going on here? The women and children are
supposed to be safely under the Tower."
Edan stepped out of the crowd, his normal smithy apron
changed to old warriors leathers, and his blacksmith's hammer
hung ready at his side. "They won't go down into the
A woman with her long hair plaited back into a single
braid came up along Edan, in her hands was a small sickle but
it glistened in the light from it's new coat of oil and
sharpening. "Those bastards killed my husband and my
eldest boy last eve. They won't lay peaceful unless they are
avenged by our family."
The woman's sentiments were echoed throughout the
assemblage regardless of sex. Danny shook his head.
"Everyone has suffered but we cannot live for vengeance
"They took the Commander!"
"If there is hatred to be directed at anyone, it should be at
me!" Danny pushed his way to the mangled festival platform,
"When you came to this land, I promised to protect you. I
vowed that none of you who had taken the risk to come to the
Dominion would ever have to fear Free Lords or citizens
again and I failed you."
Voices of protest rose up again. A red haired woman
pushed her way forward her green eyes flaring with intensity
few had seen in the kindly lass. {You are a man. A man who
needs time away from his duties like every other man in this
The Black Tower 68
fairground. Blaming yourself for this attack is nothing going
to help us fight this new enemy.}
A small blonde haired boy came to his mother's
outstretched hand, {Talos has never worn the slave brand. He
has never knelt in front of others with his head bowed. You
have given him this but it will take all of us to protect it -
fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. Freedom is a hard gift
to keep. And I would rather have our son die in battle than
bow to any man.}
Talos stared up at the man he had suspected was his
father, but now that his mother had affirmed his suspicious he
didn't know what to do. Danny stared at his son for a
moment, marvelling that even at such a tender age he was
holding his father s features, then he looked back out over the
"Anyone who can raise a weapon will be needed for this
fight. Most of us have not lived so long in the Dominion that
we have forgotten what slavery can be. Last night, we had
overlooked, all of us, that many still see us as slaves risen
above our station. Today, the Riders of Light will be greeted
by men and women who will defend their families to keep
them free. If children can carry arrows or water, they can stay
on the fairground, if not, take them to the catacombs. Edan,
get our fighters into an order. If there are any left with
wartime experience make them sergeants
The grounds broke into confusion. Ona came up on the
platform and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder, {I am
sorry about the Commander.}
"He's alive."
69 Derekica Snake
{There is something different about you...you've changed
"Everyone changed last night. I would ask you to take
Talos down to the catacombs but you are right. I don't want
to see him...or any one who came here on their knees ever.
They won't get past me again."
{This was not your fault.}
"No, but when those people came to me, I promised to
protect them and I meant every word. If the gods are willing,
I will see you and Talos again after this battle."
{I shall take that as a promise, Dark Lord}. Ona turned
and headed out into the fairgrounds with a golden haired mop
trailing behind her. Edan had done an excellent job raising
the child as his own. There were men who would have
treated another man's spawn as something to be ignored or
beaten. Sky blue eyes searched the grounds until they rested
on the dark hair of the blacksmith. He had once been a free
man but on the wrong side of the battlefield. His was the art
of iron but he had been with the armies long enough to learn
something of the art of war. There had been so many ex-
soldiers in the ranks that there had been no need to train
others to take there place - even Tal had not foreseen the need
for civilian participation. That would have to be changed.
Danny called on the link that bound his soul and life to
the Darkness that dwelled within the Tower and marvelled as
the power swelled inside him - a gentle rising wave full of
vitality and peace. He had expected the sharp pain that
usually accompanied the Calling.
The Black Tower 70
The words whispered within his blood, {You are mine,
soul and body. This power is nothing compared to what you
can channel now. You need not sleep nor eat or feel tired for
a week, if you so desired. You are more than just flesh, blood
and bone - you are immortal.}
"I just need enough to keep my people safe."
{Take what you need, my Chosen. I have more awaiting
your desires when you want it.}
The outer Warding signalled an alarm deep within the
Tower. The black stones seemed to shift of their own accord
before a bell high in the battlements began to ring. Men,
women and children turned as one to stare up at the pinnacle.
It was a sound that could not be ignored because it was so
unearthly - a death knell millennia s old. Danny shivered as
the hair at the back of his neck stood on end. "So it begins."
Kev trotted up to the festival stand, the reins for
Steppedancer tight in his hand. "Milord."
"Pick some of the children who are fast runners, and take
them to Edan. You and they will be the messengers."
"Milord...I can swing a sword."
"Have you ever done so before?"
"Then you would be a hazard to those around you as well
as the enemy." Danny turned and looked at the golden eyed
youth, "Communications is vital. One section has to know
what they other is doing. If the communications break down,
the Riders will sweep us off the land and they have been
shown to a less than merciful victors.
"We'll keep communications flowing, Milord."
71 Derekica Snake
Danny looked out across the fairgrounds. The festival
colours were charred and trampled into the ground. Those
who had perished had been stored in a side tunnel in the
catacombs were it was always cool so burial rights could be
preformed after the battle was over and the pyres could be lit.
A slight breeze picked up and carried the sweet scent of
jasmine to the mangled remains of the platform. There was
nothing here but brambles and ruins five years before.
Together everyone had worked so hard to make a new life - a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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