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Crap! When would he learn to keep his stupid mouth shut? The
last thing he needed was to piss off the Oracle. Spinning around with
an apology on the tip of his tongue, Echo gasped when he found
himself surrounded by a ring of fire.
As in his other dreams, he stood on the fringes, as though looking
through a window to the picture within. The Oracle stood in the center
of the circle as always, the warriors gathered around her. There were
four missing, though. Syx, Eyce, and Onyx didn t move closer
together, however, making the empty spaces where their loves should
have been only more apparent.
Only Echo seemed to notice the absence of Hex, Fiero, Myst, and
Vapre. He didn t know what it meant, but it made his gut clench and
Lightning sizzled overhead, and thunder cracked loud enough to
vibrate Echo s teeth. There had never been a storm before. There was
something very wrong with this dream, and Echo wanted out.
The Oracle didn t tip her head back or hold her arms out wide.
She didn t speak in that strong, robotic monotone. She looked directly
at Echo, her eyes flashing with a mystical light as her long hair fanned
out around her, making her look like a great and angry sea goddess.
70 Gabrielle Evans
 Crops will shrivel, and beasts shall scatter their worries, the
Oracle said clearly, precisely.  The sun will fall. The lightning
instantly ceased and it became even darker in the clearing.  And the
moon will bleed.
 I get it, okay? This was creeping him the hell out, and he just
wanted to wake up.
 Your enemies shall seek out the heart, laying waste to the ones
born of the first. The Oracle paused and tilted her head to the side.
 Nurture and protect your sacred bond with your very lives. She
smiled, but it lacked any warmth.
 I m sorry, Echo whispered, because he didn t know what else to
The Oracle dipped her head, and in the next second, they had
returned to the warm, summery field with lush green grass and bright
blue skies.  You are not protecting your bond, she said quietly.
 Unless you find a way to come together, you will fail.
Echo was still trying to tame his racing pulse while the Oracle
looked like nothing more exciting had happened than a little rain.  I
don t know what that means, he admitted.
 Then you must learn. Your lovers struggles are your struggles.
Find a way, Echo.
A picture flashed inside his mind of Hex arguing with some
faceless person. The vein in his forehead looked like it would explode
any second.
 His mission has proved less fruitful than he had hoped, the
Oracle said softly.
 Their struggles are mine, Echo muttered under his breath,  but
not just mine. A way to come together&  His head snapped up, and
he narrowed his eyes at the woman standing in front of him.  I know
what to do. Send me back.
She smiled kindly and leaned forward to kiss his cheek.  I knew
you would, my dear Echo. Show them the way.
Shades of Black 71
Echo chuckled and bobbed his head.  Oh, I intend to do more than
that. Trust me, they won t know what hit them.
The Oracle laughed as well and stepped away, clasping her hands
together in front of her.  Go and fight for what is rightfully yours.
* * * *
 Now, darlin , I have t say that s not my problem. Craze smiled
wildly, his arms hanging loosely at his sides, the complete picture of
Hex s head pounded, and his hands clenched into fists and relaxed
repeatedly. He could only imagine how many different shades of red
his face had turned in the last ten minutes. If he were human, his
rising blood pressure would have already caused a stroke.  You
selfish, arrogant, egotistical bastard, he said icily.  You think it s
easy for me to come here and ask for your help?
 I m guessin not. I can appreciate your position, but I m not
seein how it s my problem. I have a nice life here, sugar. Why would
I give that up?
 Why do you talk like that? Craze s slow southern drawl was
grating on Hex s nerves. It was nothing like the way the man had
talked when he d lived with them.
 Spent a lotta time in the south, now haven I? Craze arched his
eyebrow and shifted on his feet.  After a few hun red years, you just
pick it up.
 Well, stop it. It s pissing me off.
 Hex, what do you want from me? Craze asked, dropping the
accent completely.  What do you want me to say?
 I don t know. You re the one that s been calling me! I thought
maybe you d think about someone besides yourself for a change!
 I ve been calling because I thought we could get reacquainted.
Now, I find out you have a mate that you share between the seven of
you? Craze frowned and shook his head.  It should have been me.
72 Gabrielle Evans
 So, you re just going to let innocent people die because you re
Craze eyed him for a long time.  You look like shit. Obviously,
your mate isn t taking very good care of you. He looked over his
shoulder and waved a hand toward the sofa.  Take a nap, and we ll
talk when you re rested. We won t get anywhere if you just keep
shouting at me.
Hex opened his mouth to say something scathing when his cell
phone began to vibrate in his pocket. Digging it out, his heart seized
in his chest when he saw Myst s name on the display screen. Fuck!
Something was wrong. He knew he shouldn t have left. Oh, gods, he
would never forgive himself.
With shaky fingers he flipped open the phone and pressed it to his
ear.  Myst? What s wrong?
 Hey, boss man, Myst greeted jovially.  How you feeling?
 I ve been better, Hex answered in confusion.  What s going
 Well, we re on our way there, but we need to know where there
Hex growled and squeezed the phone so hard he actually heard the
plastic creak.  You are not coming here.
There was some mumbling on the other end of the line before
Fiero spoke into the phone.  Get your head out of your ass and shut
up. Echo said to head south, but that s as much as we know. Now,
either tell us where you are, or we ll find you the hard way. The hard
way means it ll take longer, and we don t exactly have time to spare.
Craze looked like someone had told him Christmas was coming
early.  Quitman, just west of Valdosta, he called loudly.
 I still hate the fuck, Fiero grumbled.  We ll be there in two
days. Later, man. Then the line went dead.
Hex roared and only barely refrained from launching his cell
phone across the room. He pointed a finger in Craze s face and
snarled.  I ll be back tomorrow. Don t fucking leave.
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