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them before I headed to Colorado. I was in too much of a rush. Plus, the house was ransacked, and I
didn t know who if anyone might be watching, Gideon said.  So I wanted to go back and take a look.
I found boxes of papers, which Vic and I brought back with us. Research, not just what he and I were
working on, but other things, side projects he was investigating, and things from before I joined them.
I m not even sure of all of it.
 I ll help read through his notes, the professor spoke up.
 Me, too, Abby added.  I m sure Diane will want to pitch in, also.
Gideon nodded.  Vic s already started reading. We also brought back some boxes of personal
stuff we found hidden by Thomas. Pictures and letters and a box marked with Michael Walker s
Clara nodded.  I ve been going through that one today. I thought I d lost everything when Gideon
said the house was destroyed, but this box contains things I ve never seen before. Lots of pictures.
Journals my dad kept. I haven t read them all, yet, but it s a lot to take in.
 Thomas also kept journals, Vic said.  I ve been skimming some of them. He and Clara s
father were most definitely searching for someone, a woman named Elizabeth. Her name is mentioned
several times. How he needs to find her. How sorry he is. However, he never goes into detail about
what happened or who she is.
 I ll search for any mention of her in my father s papers, Clara said.
 See if she s mentioned on any of the pictures, Gideon urged.
 There are several women in the pictures I ve seen, but few of the photos have anything written
on the back of them, Clara informed them.
 What about Thomas? Tah asked.  Do you think he s dead?
Gideon shrugged.  My gut says no.
 He s more than capable of taking care of himself, Clara agreed.
 Clara and I spoke about something else, Gideon announced.
 The child? Abby asked, and he nodded.  I know Dillon tried to say Thomas child might be
alive, but Clara watched what happened.
 I did, Clara agreed.  Logan and I walked through my memory. I was young, only five when the
hunters attacked. I saw what they did, but there were moments when it was too much, and I looked
away. There were also a few moments when my view was blocked by one of the hunters. I knew what
was happening. I could see Aunt Stella s face. I did watch them&  She paused and swallowed.  I
saw what they did to the baby, but I can t verify for sure if it was the same one they took from her or
 So it s possible Thomas does have a child out there? Reno said.
 It is, Gideon said.  I spoke to some people I know. They re checking into it for me. If the
possibility exists, there will be rumors of it somewhere.
 The child would be around nineteen at this point, Vic said.
 And could have spent their entire life in the hands of hunters, Tah said furiously.
 I ll let you know when I hear anything, Gideon assured them.
 Anything else? Tah asked.
 I left messages with a few people on the way here, dropping word of what I was searching for
but also letting them know where I was headed. I m hoping one of them takes me up on the offer to
stop in. I believe they have knowledge we could use, Gideon said.
 So do you, Abby said.  With Diane not herself lately, the professor and I could really use you.
Griffin is a huge asset, and we know you trained him.
 Diane isn t feeling well? Gideon asked.
 No, Zane admitted.  Pregnancy hormones are taking a toll.
 Has she been given a transfusion of your blood, yet? Gideon asked.
 Her symptoms aren t physical, the professor told them.
 Shifter pregnancies are just like human ones, Gideon said.  In the sense that each of them is
different. Symptoms may vary, but in our case, the treatment is always the same. Give her the
transfusion. I d be surprised if it didn t have her back to normal within a few hours.
There was confidence in his voice, and Kenzie knew he didn t think there was a chance of it not
working. She hoped so for Diane s sake. She d seen how exhausting the emotional surges were for
her friend.
 The professor and I also have news, Abby said.  We ve been able to contact someone we
think might be able to step in and help with some of the research.
 She was one of my students who went with us on our trip to Africa, the professor added,
speaking of an archeological trip he d organized and taken Abby and his daughter, Jess, on.
 I contacted her, Abby said.  She s willing to come meet me in Riverton when she wraps up
her current project in a few months. I can t see her being anything but an additional asset we sorely
need right now.
 We ll meet her and see what we think then, Tah said.  Thanks to Gabriel, we have a state of
the art facility to work in.
 I only apologize you didn t know of it as soon as you arrived, Gabriel stated.
 That s my fault, Daniel spoke up from beside Kenzie.  I should have thought of it instead of
getting distracted by other things.
Kenzie wondered what had distracted him. His father, Isaac, maybe? She still hadn t met him,
yet. It was sure to be interesting, especially since Gabriel believed his father wouldn t be happy
about them mating.
 You ve been very busy, Daniel, and still found time to check in and make sure we were settling
okay. I m sure your job as sheriff is very demanding, Tah assured Gabriel s brother.
Daniel nodded.  It helps me stay informed of everything going on. Not just in Riverton, but all
 Let us know if you ever need help from us, Tah offered.  You re part of our pride, now.
 Thank you, Daniel said, and Kenzie could tell how much it meant to him.
 Now, why don t you tell us what you found out, Kenzie, Tah said.
 I want to apologize, first, she offered.  For leaving without letting you know in advance.
 We were worried about you, Abby said.  You re family, Kenzie.
 I needed to find some answers, and after Tah s threat to send someone after Diane and I when
we went after Zane, I wasn t sure how it would play out if I told you what I planned to do, she said
 My mate has pointed out that I seem to be more protective of the female members of our group,
and she s right. Not, however, because I see you as weaker, Tah informed them.  I know you can
hold your own. I ve fought beside you and Vic, both. I know your strength. I ll still worry, and I ll
still want to protect you. Maybe it s the beast inside me. Maybe it s just the type of man I am. I won t
lie and say it will change, but I will tell you, I ll try. My mate will make sure of it, he assured them
with a look at Abby, who just smiled.
 Bet your ass I will, she agreed, making him shake his head.
 I didn t go alone, but I do take full responsibility, Kenzie added.
Holt snorted.  Like you had a choice in me going with you. No way I was letting you run off
alone. Someone had to watch your ass.
Gabriel growled, and Holt laughed.
 Too easy, man. Way too easy, Holt teased.
 Some of you know I was adopted after spending some time in foster care, Kenzie said,
ignoring Holt and Gabriel. She knew Holt would keep teasing her mate as long as he knew it was
getting to Gabriel.  You also know my animal was recessive most of my life, and I never knew why.
 Did you find the answers you were looking for? Tah asked.
 Some, but it only led to more questions, Kenzie admitted.
 Sounds about normal, Reno said with a sigh.
 What did you find out? Abby asked.
 The family who ended up adopting me, the Marshalls, are gone. They left shortly after kicking
me out. No one knows where they went. Ms. Karsey, the social worker who checked on me and made
sure I was informed, is dead. She d given me the name and address of who I thought was my
biological mother when I turned eighteen a cougar shifter named Meara.
 What do you mean she kept you informed? Clara asked. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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