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Pranayama, assumption of God-forms, vibration of divine names, rituals
of banishing and invoking and the practices set out in sections 5 and 6 of
Liber O. Although he is not examined in any of these, the elementary
experience is necessary in order that he may intelligently assist those
who will be under him.
The Task of a Neophyte.
 & the tests called the Powers of the Sphinx. It should not be assumed that these are
formalised theoretical or practical examinations. A hint of what might have been
intended may perhaps be found in Letter 74 of Magick Without Tears,  Obstacles on
the Path althought there the four tests are glyphed under the figure of the Tarot minor
 & he shall begin to study Liber H.  Liber H has not been definitely identified as
far as I am aware; the Neophyte section of  Liber XIII gives no clue as to its nature
or contents, and no work of that title has been published; it may not be extant, or it
may be the same as Liber HHH, the practice of which pertains to the grade of Zelator.
The Task of a Zelator.
 ... he shall go to his Practicus. The Gems and Equinox IV (1) printings of  Liber
CLXXXV (and presumably the original) had  to his Zelator ; this has been changed
on the basis that the general rule of the Outer Order grades, as far as can be
ascertained from other references in  Liber CLXXXV and elsewhere, was that the
person supervising any given aspirant was, or at least in that instance functioned as, a
member of the grade immediately above; i.e., Practici supervising Zelatores,
Philosophi supervising Practici, etc. Similarly the corresponding section in the Task
of a Practicus had  to his Practicus and that for the Philosophus had  to his
Philosophus ; these have been amended on the same basis.
The Task of a Philosophus.
 ... the meditations given in Liber V. This work has not been definitely identified.
Because of the dates involved it cannot be  Liber V vel Reguli. In  Liber Viarum
Viæ is a reference to  Liber V under the head "the Formulation of the Flaming Star"
(referred to the Path of Heh) which suggests some manner of Pentagram ritual or
meditations on that theme. It is unlikely, too, to be Crowley's  True Greater Ritual of
the Pentagram as published in The Magical Link in 1999 as that is said to be for the
use of Adepts only and in any case does not contain any  meditations as such.
 ... and repeat to him his chosen chapter of Liber DCCCXIII. The Gems printing just
had  ... and repeat to him Liber DCCCXIII. ; however section 4 of the Task only
requires the Philosophus to memorise a single chapter. The Equinox IV (1) printing
made a similar correction.
The Task of a Dominus Liminis.
 ... Liber Mysteriorum. This work is unpublished; it may not be extant as such
although related material survives in one of Crowley s manuscript notebooks; in any
case the context in which it is cited suggests it deals with the theory and practice of
running a Magical Order; it may also include, overlap with, or be identical with one or
more of the Rituals Alpha, Beta and Gamma mentioned in  Liber DCLXXI vel aurt
(a version of the Neophyte initiation ritual which survives in typescript).
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