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dominant for his taste. Wild in bed, but not easily tamed. Derek liked a
challenge, but he d wanted a more docile lover. Like Channing.
 Derek, so good to see you, Ramon said as if they d ended on good
terms and not at each other s throats.  I was just passing through.
Derek lowered his brows.  At a private party?
The other man shrugged.  Well, I ve done business with Cutter. I mean,
who hasn t?
The insinuation was plain, and Derek picked up on his mate s offense.
He released Ramon with reluctance and stepped to Channing s side. He
didn t touch him, but he let his soothing presence be felt.  Watch your
mouth, he ordered.  You don t want to offend my mate because in doing so
you offend me.
 Always so plain-spoken. Ramon sighed.  You were the best. I ll give
you that.
This time Raz seemed put out, but Derek didn t give a fuck about him.
 You and he used to&  Channing said in his mind.
 It s in the past. No need to be jealous.
Channing swore.  Who s jealous? I was just asking.
Derek glanced over at him, enjoying the pink cheeks. Damn, he was
beautiful. All Derek wanted at that moment was to take him back to bed and
show him he had nothing to worry about.  You are mine now. There is no one else
for me.
Channing s lips tightened.  Not by your choice. What happened? You never told
Before Derek could respond, Ramon spoke again.  So this is the kind of
man you wanted to make your mate. I guess I had a little too much
testosterone in me.
Derek bared sharp teeth, knowing he couldn t be seen by any other
guests.  Is that a little whine I hear in your voice, Ramon? His gaze shifted
to Raz.  He not keeping your lust at bay? Perhaps you should stop dabbling
among humans.
Channing Moon Eden Cole
 Asshole! Raz launched at him, but in an instant Channing stood in
front of him, blocking the human s path. He wondered if his mate realized
the speed at which he d just moved. His actions were cute, but he didn t need
protection from a human or any other creature for that matter.
Channing shoved Raz back with a little too much force. The slender man
slammed onto the ground and almost flipped back head over heels. Derek
swore and wrapped an arm around Channing s waist to hold him against his
chest. He lowered his voice to whisper in Channing s ear.  Easy. You have
increased strength that you can call on at any time. However, that ability can
crush a human. You ll need to learn to control it.
Channing blanched.  I m sorry, Raz. I didn t mean to go at you that
hard. He ran a hand through his hair.  I don t know what came over me. I
just couldn t let you hurt Derek.
 Channing! The squeak of alarm from his mate s mother caught of all of
their attention. His lover wiggled in Derek s hold, and he released him with
reluctance. His cock had gone hard, and irritation rose inside of him. When
two werewolves mated, they usually spent an extended period of time alone
together working out their lust in every conceivable way possible. If they
didn t, the pent up need made for very grumpy shifters that no one could
bear being around. Their situation had extenuating circumstances. Derek
needed time to find out who was gunning for him first. Up until now, the
attacks weren t too serious, but he had no idea if and when they might be.
 Channing, his mother said and grabbed for his arm,  you re neglecting
your guests. Now let me reintroduce you to Mary. She s been wanting to see
you again for the last five years.
The two of them walked off, but Derek didn t follow. The less he heard
Channing s mother s high-pitched drone, the better. He was not threatened
by her taking his mate to see a woman. While he watched his lover move
though, Ramon stepped up behind him and placed his hands on Derek s
hips. The brush of his cock against Derek s ass did nothing for him.
 I know you miss us, Ramon murmured in his ear.
Derek brushed his hands away, a milder reaction than he wanted to give
at that moment.  No, I don t. He spun to face the man.  I think you need
Channing Moon Eden Cole
to focus on your plaything. He s looking a little green around the gills. The
only man that will share my bed from now on is Channing.
He walked away from his ex-lover aware of the anger radiating off the
man, but he didn t care. He intended to take Channing by force or by
seduction and find a secluded spot to exorcise some of his pent up lust.
Channing Moon Eden Cole
Chapter Seven
Channing stared up at the moon and then closed his eyes. He basked in
the pale light as if it was the sun. There was no warmth. Not physically
anyway. He did feel something, a pull, an increase in the animal instinct
inside of him. Ever since he d been turned and shifted for the first time, he
felt it growing stronger. Tonight with the moon high in the sky, almost full
but not quite, he wanted to let go. Of his humanity, of his reasoning. He
wanted to give in to Derek, who had pursued him for endless sex. He wasn t
complaining of course, but he d wanted it to stay firmly in the late night
hours when his parents were in their beds along with the other guests.
His mother had also been busy trying to push him onto some girl. She
was sweet and beautiful with a nice body. He d give her that. Still, it did
nothing for him. No, Channing got a boner only when Derek walked into the
room, all hard muscle and stern jaw. His piercing gaze would scan the room,
and Channing almost trembled like a woman knowing Derek looked for him.
He craved to be in his lover s arms at all times, but Derek couldn t see that all
he wanted to do was keep the peace while he was here.
Of course that led to why he was hanging around his family home in the
first place. At any time, he could do as he d done in the past just leave and
never come back. That s what he wanted, but it would also mean embracing
the new life he would lead with Derek. His lover had already assumed
Channing would give up his apartment and move into his mansion. Just the
thought terrified Channing. Trusting that Derek would have chosen him
even if he hadn t been out of his mind that night was hard to believe,
especially with a muscular god of a man like Ramon as an ex. Channing could
never compete with that. The way he and Derek argued, and all Channing
and Raz could do was stand there listening, was pathetic. Derek and Ramon
looked like a perfect couple. He shouldn t be in the picture.
 Well, well. Alone?
Channing whirled to face Ramon. He frowned.  Derek doesn t want me
around you.
The man smirked.  You always do what he says?
Channing Moon Eden Cole
Channing pressed his lips together to keep from saying what he wanted
to. Questioning Ramon s relationship with Derek would only reveal how
insecure he was. Sure, his vision was better than twenty-twenty, and he could
move like he d never done before, but at heart he was still nothing more than
a nerd. A scrawny one compared to Ramon.
The shifter strolled up to him, and for a minute Channing thought he
was going press against him, but he moved to the side at the last second and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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