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Mel to blame that told a different story.
 Who needs a refill? Alec asked as he stood.
 Me too, Jace added, standing as well.  Be right back.
Jace made his way to the bathroom to splash cold get-with-the-program water
on his face, while Alec picked up the glasses and went into the kitchen.
 Need help? Melody asked as she pushed herself up from the floor and
followed Alec into the kitchen. She couldn t just sit there on the living room floor
alone. That would give her way too much time to think about what just happened
between her and Jace. She d been down that road many times, and no matter how
hot that kiss was, she knew her feelings for Jace would never be returned.
Three to Tango 41
Focus on Alec, she reminded herself. Only Alec.
She opened the freezer, took out the ice, and held it out for Alec. His gaze
drifted from her face down her neck to her stiff nipples. He licked his lips and
turned away.
 I ll mix. You get the glasses. His voice had that sexy low growl again that did
funny things to her already jumbled insides.
In the center of the kitchen, a large island took up most of the floor space, so as
he stood at the counter mixing ingredients, she had to turn sideways to walk past.
As she did, she made sure her breasts brushed against his back, lingering a little
longer than necessary. Her nipples tingled, and she was rewarded with his low hiss.
 Excuse me, she whispered in her best seductive voice.
She grabbed the clean glasses, then headed back the same way she d come,
again rubbing against his back.  Excuse me. Another seductive whisper.
He froze, then put the shaker down with a bang and turned to face her, fierce
expression on his face and fire in his green eyes. He gripped her hips in his hands
and jerked her forward until her pubic bone rode his erection.
 Is this what you re after, Hellz? he asked, his voice like gravel.
He ground his cock against her, and she groaned, wetness flooding between
her legs. He lowered his head and captured her mouth. If Jace s kiss had been a
dance, Alec s was a battle. Consuming, raging hot, and furious. She wanted nothing
more than to slide her ass up onto the countertop and beg him to fuck her senseless.
She thrust her hips against his, matching his intensity. His hard, strong hand
closed over her breast and plucked at her waiting nipple as the other pinned her
hips to his. She gasped, tearing her mouth away.  Jace will be out in a second.
He nodded, pressed his forehead to hers, and took a deep, shaky breath. Then
he abruptly dropped his hands and turned. The sound of the bathroom door opening
42 Chloe Cole & L. C. Chase
spurred her into action. She moved to Alec s side and busied her hands cutting a
lime. No easy task when her whole body still quaked.
 Got everything? Jace called from outside the doorway.
 Yup, be right out. See if you can find another CD. That one has been around
twice already, Mel said, her voice shakier than she would have liked. She scooped
up the drinks and walked slowly toward the door.
 See you out there, she whispered.
Alec was glad Jace hadn t come into the room. He needed another minute to
get himself under control. He d been a hairbreadth away from fucking Mel right
there in the kitchen, and his cock hadn t caught on to the fact that it wasn t going to
happen. He was so hard it hurt. A case of blue balls was not what he d signed up for
He wondered briefly if he should tell his roommates he knew about their bet.
Judging by the tone of their conversation, it didn t appear that they were just out to
see who could fuck him first. It really seemed like they were both into him. How
he d gotten so lucky, he couldn t fathom.
Six months ago he would have been over the moon to have landed either of
them. They were both great catches. But now? He had his sights on the whole
He wanted the three of them to be a team. If two got together, someone would
invariably be left out. He d felt just a tiny bit of that already, and it wasn t fun.
Even if they thought they could all handle it, eventually it would eat away at the
relationship, and someone would end up hurt. That was the last thing he wanted,
because he loved them both, and they loved each other. He didn t want to lose either
of them or for them to lose each other.
He just had to convince them that they belonged together. All of them.
Where to start?
Three to Tango 43
One at a time. Mel first she d be much easier to convince. She was already
halfway there, having loved Jace for the past ten years whether she wanted to
admit it or not. And judging by the reaction to that kiss between them in the living
 Time to get back out there. He turned on his heel, grabbed a bag of chips,
and headed through the door.
Glancing at his roommates, Jace couldn t help notice the atmosphere had
changed again, but he couldn t put his finger on how. Despite the weird moment
with Mel, he d hoped that truth or dare would continue, and he would get his chance
to make some sort of impression on Alec. Sure, Mel would never suggest that they
kiss, just like he would never suggest that Alec kiss Mel, but he could ask some
provocative questions and maybe find out if Alec had ever thought about, or had
been with, a man before.
But when Mel had come back into the room, she d seemed distracted and
wouldn t meet his eyes. As confused by their kiss as he had been? Whatever the
case, the night had lost its magic.
He needed some time alone to process everything that had happened.
 Okay, I don t want to be the party pooper, but I have a lot of rehearsing to do
over the next couple days and can t afford to be tired. Are you guys calling it a
night, or should I put my ear plugs in?
 Wh-what do you mean? Mel stuttered.
 I mean, are you going to stay up yakking and keep the music on or&  He
trailed off. She looked visibly flustered.
 Nope. You can turn it off. I m going to do the dishes and hit the sack myself.
She shot him a weak smile.
 Me too, Alec said.  And I ll take out the trash.
 You guys want help?
44 Chloe Cole & L. C. Chase
 You did the cooking, so you re off the hook, Mel said.
Jace was grateful for the reprieve.
As he snuggled into his comfortable bed, he put his brain to work. He started
out hatching a plan to seduce Alec, but instead kept replaying the kiss with Mel.
Her soft lips, her sweet smell. Why couldn t he stop thinking about her?
He flipped over and pushed the image away. Time to focus on Alec.
Mel had been right. Time was running out, and aggression was the name of
the game.
Melody tried to stay relaxed and give off a just-hanging-out-washing-the-
dishes vibe, but it wasn t easy when she was feeling more of an I-want-to-fuck-your-
brains-out. After what had happened earlier, Alec was as good as hers. There was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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