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 Energy directed is energy of use. Principle seventy.  A child on his own has only one chance in
four of heading the right way. Principle fifty-six. Bardon nodded but had little to say about peace
where children were concerned.
A burst of laughter filled the cramped space.
Bardon smiled sardonically.  Peace?
 Laughter is but one tone of peace. Bromptotterpindosset moved to the pallet of one of the few children
stricken with seasickness and offered a crust of bread. The little girl took the bread to nibble on, and the
tumanhofer sat on the floor beside her, holding a small bucket and speaking quietly.
 Would you like to hear what children living in Tastendore do when the rains come? he asked.
The child s eyes grew big, and she nodded.
Bardon moved on to urge N Rae to sit and sip cooled tea.
Once the clouds and wind moved on and the ship ceased rocking violently, the patients recovered. First
the few stricken children found the strength to get up. Then N Rae forced herself off her pallet. Bardon
said she rose from the brink of death just because she had realized he and the tumanhofer were in charge
of the children.
 We did very well without you, N Rae, he teased her.  None of them fell overboard, and all of them are
still well fed and clean.
She snorted.  Well fed on what? Hardtack and candy? Clean by whose standards? A grawlig s?
Granny Kye climbed out of the hold soon after. Holt was the last to appear, and he still looked pale. The
passengers on the Tobit Grander gathered on deck to bask in the warm sun.
 Squire Bardon, said Ahnek,  Granny Kye s painting is finished. Come see.
A small crowd stood behind the emerlindian sitting on her wooden stool. Bromptotterpindosset, Holt,
N Rae, and several children looked over her shoulder at the canvas on the easel, admiring her work and
making enthusiastic comments.
At first, Bardon saw nothing remarkable about the seascape. But the others pointed out images blended
into the more obvious forms. When looked at carefully, a cloud became a hand releasing a flock of birds.
A wave curled over a finger. The ship rested in a giant palm. Light seemed to radiate from a fingertip
touching the sun. Bardon blinked, and the hidden images disappeared. He concentrated, and they came
back into focus.
 I don t like the eyes, said Ahnek, his voice breaking with a squeak.
 Neither do I, said N Rae.  They look evil.
 What eyes? asked Bardon and Holt in unison.
 There, said Bromptotterpindosset pointing to a crest of a wave.  It s a sea serpent. The tail is over
 It s huge, exclaimed N Rae.
Holt rubbed his chin.  Perhaps there are two. The head of one here, and the tail of another over there.
Ahnek put his hand on the older emerlindian s shoulder.  Granny Kye, what do you think?
 I think it is stalking us. She reached for N Rae s hand.  Is it there now, dear?
The younger emerlindian looked out across the gently swelling waves. After only a moment, she gasped.
 Yes! She looked around her at the children.  You must go below. All of you! Now! She pushed the
little girls at her skirts toward the hatch.  Hurry now. Get below!
Bardon ran to gather the youngsters playing on the forecastle. Holt whistled to the boys following after
the sailors. Bromptotterpindosset and Granny Kye quickly collected her paints and tossed them in the
canvas carrier. She held the wet painting away from her as she hastened after N Rae. The tumanhofer
carried her stool and easel as he hurried her toward safety. He stood at the top of the ladder while Holt
and Bardon ushered the last of the children into the hold.
 What is this all about? asked Holt.
Bromptotterpindosset shook his head and gazed out at the sea.  Legend says that sea serpents prefer
tender flesh. In other words, children.
Bardon stood with his hands on his hips. The fingers of one hand wrapped around the hilt of his sword.
 Greer said a sea serpent gave him information about the migration of quiss. He didn t indicate that the
serpent had evil intentions toward our ship s passengers.
The tumanhofer shifted his load and put a foot on the top rung of the ladder.  There is more than one
serpent in the sea, Squire Bardon.
Holt looked down to where the top of the mapmaker s head was disappearing.  In your travels, have
you ever encountered a sea serpent?
 Yes! declared Bromptotterpindosset.  And I don t wish to do so again.
 What s this commotion? barked the captain as he strode across the deck.  My crew is whispering
about a serpent. Is it true? Did the emerlindians spot the head and tail of a giant?
 Not exactly, said Bardon.  Both ladies have unusual talents. You can be assured the threat of attack is
The seasoned captain nodded his head.  The important thing is to keep it from wrapping around the ship
and pulling us down. The last third of its tail has no spine. You can slice through the muscle with your
sword. He nodded at Bardon s weapon.  As the body comes over the deck, you need to sever the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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