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really. You keep interrupting. All I know is he tried to pull some kind
of prank, and he will be punished for that, but 
Lio let out inarticulate sound of rage. Liam cleared his throat,
deciding it was time to interfere.  It s more serious than that.
O Hara s gaze sharpened.  How so?
 Lio says that was green silver in the coffee, Liam explained.
 It s still being examined, Hunter butted in.
Lio scoffed at him.  It was green silver.
 I didn t say it wasn t! Hunter said, exasperated.  Settle down,
Lio muttered something and leaned back on the wall, glaring at all
of them. He kept eyeing the door to the interrogation room, looking
like he was going to lunge for it as soon as possible. Liam shifted so
he would be able to grab his partner before he did something stupid.
 Okay, so I know silver is poisonous for you lot, O Hara said.
 What s this green silver?
 It s a plant extract. The exact recipe is not widely known. Liam
rubbed his cheek. He was going to have to explain this to the Atlanta
packs, and to the Council. If someone was making green silver, they
were in deep shit.
 Would it have hurt you? O Hara questioned.
 Physically, no, Liam had to admit.  I would have had an awful
headache tomorrow, but the green silver actually causes
uncontrollable rage. The afflicted shifters usually go on a rampage.
The men paused to digest that.  So if you had drunk that?
Liam grimaced.  Likely, I would have attacked anyone close
enough. It acts immediately and gives us a boost in strength. It would
be almost impossible to take me down.
56 Sunny Day
 You are the shifter s official liaison, Hunter said slowly.  If it
came out that you lost control and hurt someone 
O Hara s shoulders sagged.  I ll talk to him.
 No, Lio said.
 You don t know what to ask him, Lieutenant. I won t hurt him,
but I want to know where he did get it and who else has it. It s not
time to try and salvage his carrier, Lio said impatiently.
 I never had any problems with him.
 Let Lio talk to him, Hunter suggested.  He wasn t joking when
he said we needed that information.
 I won t do anything stupid, Lio promised. Liam raised his eyes
in disbelief. O Hara closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but it
wasn t like he had a choice and he knew it.
Lio exchanged looks with his captain before stalking to the door
and throwing them open.
The remaining three men approached a two-way mirror.
 You re not going in? O Hara questioned. Liam shook his head.
 Not right away. I m a shifter and Sean knows that. We ll see if he
reacts better to Lio, who is, after all, one of the Hunters.
 Hello, Sean, Lio said. He sounded friendly enough, but Liam
wasn t fooled. Lio was literally ready to kill.
 I know you were the one who stopped me, Sean said.
 You do? Lio asked deceptively casually.
 And you re not happy about that.
Sean looked aside, clenching his jaw.
Lio extended his arm toward him.
 Give me your gun, he ordered sharply, causing Sean to
practically jump in his seat, so marked was the difference in his
attitude. He frowned at Lio.
Hunter s Lover 57
 Give me your gun, Lio repeated, his voice deadly. O Hara
glanced uneasily at Hunter. Hunter, without looking at him, just said,
 Relax. He knows what he is doing.
Sean shifted uneasily and reached for his weapon.
He d been taken to the room but wasn t disarmed, partly because
he didn t try to resist, and his fellow cops were still unsure what had
 Slowly, Lio ordered. He picked the gun and quickly took out the
 What s he doing? O Hara wondered aloud. Liam leaned closer,
intrigued. His throat tightened. Lio probably deliberately moved so
everyone could see what he was holding. There were uneven, shiny
cylinders in Lio s hand.
 Silver bullets. You came prepared, Lio said, sneering at Sean.
 So much about him not being involved, Hunter muttered.  He
has no reason to have silver bullets. He works for you, not in my
unit. O Hara winced.
Sean jutted his chin.  Someone had to.
 So you took it upon yourself? Lio challenged.  Enlighten us.
Lio dropped the now-empty gun on the desk with a loud clatter.
 What were you trying to do? he asked, disdain obvious in his voice.
 They are monsters. They should have been taken care of, not
allowed to roam free. A flush spread over Sean s cheeks.  I know
they came down hard on the Hunters, but it doesn t justify you getting
in bed with them, doing what they wanted. He wasn t supposed to be
there! He was almost shouting by now.
Lio snickered. The sound was so incongruous it caused both older
men to frown.
 Tell me, he said,  did they explain what green silver does?
Sean frowned.  Of course.
 You wouldn t have lingered around if that was the case, Lio said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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