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klicks in others. It reminded me of the San
Joaquin Valley of California, a big fertile bowl with rugged mountains on both
sides of it.
Allansport is 125 klicks upriver from where the Allan runs into the Jordan.
Falkenberg left the big valley map on one screen and projected a detail onto
the other. He fiddled with the console to bring red and green lines
representing friendly and hostile forces onto the map.
"As you can see, Governor Swale and one company of militia have taken a
defensive position in Allansport," Falkenberg said. "The other two militia
companies are south of him, actually upriver. How the devil he ever got
himself into such a stupid situation, I cannot say."
"Natural talent," Colonel Harrington muttered.
"No doubt," Falkenberg said. "We have two objectives. The minor, but most
urgent, is to rescue Governor Swale. The major objective is pacification of
the area. It seems very unlikely that we can accomplish that without a general
uprising of the locals in our favor. Agreed?"
We were all silent for a moment. "Mr. Bonneyman, I believe you're the junior,"
Harrington said.
"Agreed, sir," Louis said.
Deane and I spoke at once. "Agreed."
"Excellent. I remind you that this conference is recorded," Falkenberg said.
Of course, I thought. All staff conferences are. It didn't seem like
Falkenberg and Harrington to spread responsibility around by getting our
opinions on record, but I was sure they had their reasons.
"The best way to stimulate a general uprising would be to inflict an immediate
and major defeat on the Protective Association," Falkenberg said. "A defeat,
not merely driving them away, but bringing them to battle and eliminating a
large number of them. It is my view that this is sufficiently important to
justify considerable risks. Is that agreed to?"
Aha! I thought. Starting with Louis, we all stated our agreements.
"Then we can proceed to the battle plan," Falkenberg said. "It is complex, but
I think it is worth a try. You will notice that there is a pass into the hills
west of Allensport. Our informants tell us that this is the route the
Association forces will take if they are forced to retreat.
Furthermore, there is a sizable militia force south of Allansport. If the
militia were strengthened with local partisans, and if we can take the pass
before the besieging hostiles realize their danger, we will have them trapped.
The main body of the battalion will march upriver, approach from the north,
and engage them. We won't get them all, but we should be able to eliminate
quite a lot of them. With that kind of victory behind us, persuading the other
ranchers to rise up and join us should not be difficult."
As he talked he illustrated the battle plan with lights on the map. He was
right. It was complex.
"Questions?" Falkenberg asked.
"Sir," I said, "I don't believe those two militia companies can take the pass.
I certainly wouldn't count on it."
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"They can't," Harrington said. "But they're pretty steady on defense. Give 'em
a strong position to hold and those lads will give a good account of
"Yes," Falkenberg said. "I propose to stiffen the militia outside the city
with two sections of
Marines. We still have our Skyhooks, and I see no reason why we can't use them
"Here we go again," I muttered. "Even so, sir, it all depends on how strongly
that pass is held, and we don't know that. Or do we?"
"Only that it will be defended," Falkenberg said. "The attack on the pass will
have to be in the nature of a probe, ready to be withdrawn if the opposition
is too stiff."
"I see." I thought about that for a while. I'd never done anything like that,
of course. I might have a military medal, but I couldn't kid myself about my
combat experience. "I think I can manage that, sir," I said.
Falkenberg gave me his half grin, the expression he used when he was springing
one of his surprises. "I'm afraid you won't have all the fun this time, Mr.
Slater. I intend to lead the Skyhook force myself. You'll have command of the
main body."
There was more to his plan, including a part I didn't like at all. He was
taking Kathryn with him on the Skyhook. I couldn't really object. She'd
already volunteered. Falkenberg had called her in my rooms while I was on the
way over to the conference.
"I really have little choice," Falkenberg said. "We must have someone reliable
who is known to the locals. The whole plan depends on getting enough local
assistance to seal off the valley to the south of Allansport. Otherwise,
there's no point to it."
I had to agree. I didn't have to like it. I could imagine what she'd say if I
tried to stop her.
Falkenberg finished with the briefing. "Any more questions? No? Then once
again I'll ask for your opinions."
"Looks all right to me," Louis said. Of course he would. He was going with
Falkenberg in the
"No problem with heavy weapons," Deane said. "I like it."
"Mr. Slater?"
"My operation looks straightforward enough. No problems."
"It's straightforward," Colonel Harrington said, "but not trivial. You've got
the trickiest part of the job. You have to seal off the northern escape route,
engage the enemy, rescue the Governor, and then swing around like a hammer to
smash the hostiles against the anvil Captain Falkenberg will erect at the
passes. The timing is critical."
"I have confidence in Lieutenant Slater," Falkenberg said.
"So have I, or I wouldn't approve this plan," Harrington said. "But don't
ignore what we're doing here. In order to carry out the major objective of
clearing the hostiles from the whole valley, we're leaving Governor Swale in a
rather delicate situation. If something goes wrong, Sector will have our heads
- with justice, I might add." He stood, and we all got to our feet. "But I
like it. No doubt the Association thinks we'll be rushing directly to the
Governor's aid, and their people are prepared for that. I hate to be obvious."
"So do I," Falkenberg said.
Harrington nodded curtly. "Gentlemen, you have your orders."
The riverboats looked like something out of the American Civil War as they
puffed their way down the dark river. We'd had a rainstorm when we left the
fort, but now the sky was clear and dark, with bright stars overhead. My
rivercraft were really nothing more than barges with steam engines and enough [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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