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absently nibbled on the bread in her hand.
Binding Vows
Smiling, Lora went on,  Nay, he didn t. What s
done is done however, and there is no way to reverse
 Are you sure? Tara washed down her bread
with more tea.  That there is no way I can go back?
 Not safely. Your return would mean death to
you. Both of you, she thought.
Tara ate in silence and continued to stare out
the window. Lora saw her watching children playing
with a puppy in the distance.
 I had a life you know. Her eyes swelled with
tears.  I was almost finished with school. I was going
to be a nurse. I shared an apartment with my best
friend, Cassy. We were going to celebrate our
graduation by going to Europe. Cassy will think I m
dead. She ll blame herself for convincing me to go to
the Ren fair.
Tara wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
 Oh, God, she sobbed.  I was going to help my sister
who is raising my nephew by herself. Help her, so
she could go back to school. A choking sob burst
from her lips.
Lora placed a gentle hand over Tara s in a form
of comfort in her grief.
Grief for a life she would never live.
Grief for the family she would never see again.
Catherine Bybee
Chapter 11
Light. Searing bright light pummeled the back
of her eyelids. She lifted her hand shielding the rays
from hitting her full force.
Lora s voice filled the room as much as the
sunshine.  It is the most beautiful of days, Tara. In
fact I don t think I ve seen one much better. She
stood by the drapes she had pulled open.
Lora came to the edge of the bed and sat. Tara
whipped her hand across her face trying to shake the
sleep from her head. She d slept peacefully. Better
than any of the other four nights since she d arrived.
 Please, Lora. I m not even awake yet.
 Nonsense! You can t confine yourself to this
room any longer. I absolutely forbid it! Lora smiled.
 Besides, flaunting yourself in front of my son will
bring him much more pain than hiding in here all
day long.
 You think so? Tara liked the sound of pain and
Duncan in the same sentence.
 I know so! Lora bounced off the bed like
someone half her age.  First, we need to heat up this
room. Even with the sun shining, our summers are
nothing like yours. Lora strode to the fireplace,
tossed a small log on it, and then turned her hands
up. Flames leapt where none were before.
 How do you do that? Tara asked, stunned to
see the wonder of magic again.  I tried it myself. All
I got was tired.
 Practice my dear and a bit of skill I suppose. I ll
teach you. She opened the door and allowed the
Binding Vows
maids to enter.  Let s get you ready for your day.
A couple of young men carried a trunk into the
room. Inside the trunk, were several gowns, which
paled anything she wore in the twenty-first century.
One by one, the maids sorted them into piles.
Some needed alterations. Some were simply not the
right color for Tara and her auburn hair. They
finally settled on the one she would wear for the day.
The maids made quick work of the needed
alterations. Within the time it took Tara to bathe,
brush out and dry her hair, they had completed the
The gown she chose was made of cotton and
wool. The dark umber color blended beautifully with
her hair and a hint of gold along its edges gave it a
sense of elegance normally saved for special
occasions. Tara had to admit the dress was stunning.
Eat your heart out, Duncan. She let the thought
escape when she saw her reflection in the mirror.
Pleased, Lora led her from the room.
The meal which broke the family s fast was
beginning when they entered the dining area.
Ian, knowing what Lora was up to, sensed their
presence before they came in the room. Fin took
notice and dropped his food midway to his mouth.
The others at the table sized up the woman who had
caused so much talk and tension in the Keep.
Duncan, the last to realize something was
amiss, turned only when everyone else grew silent.
Lora s hand on Tara s arm kept her focus.  Tara,
I want you to meet the family. Amber is the
youngest at ten. Amber stood and made a quick
 Cian, who is trying not to drool in his food, is
ten and six years of age. Cian sent his mother a
wicked glance before coming to his feet and bowing
at the waist. Tara started to squirm under the
family s stare.
Catherine Bybee
 Myra, our oldest daughter, is twenty and one
last spring. I m sure you both will get along well.
Myra stood, but instead of a bow, she tilted her
head and smiled.   Tis a pleasure to finally meet ye, I
mean you. Her glance to her mother told Tara the
line was rehearsed. But her effort was sincere.
 Of course, you ve already met Finlay and
Fin opened his mouth only to be cut off.  I m not
ready to talk to you, Tara interrupted. He wasn t
without blame in the whole ordeal.
Tara s eyes traveled to Duncan. His face sported
a look of awe and a five o clock shadow.
 What is this? Tara touched her own jaw, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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