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I don t know if I could have defined
Aerie-Smith s expression even if he were hu-
man. As it was, he licked his whiskers several
times and blinked slowly.  Well, then, he
said after a moment,  that is something I
shall have to remember.
I nodded.  So extra small clothes are
welcome, then& and the swimming costume.
But really, don t bother much for me& I m
not that important to the household, and
really what need do I have of looking shiny
and rich?
I said it nicely enough. I truly did. I
didn t want him to put his people out, and he
seemed to take my special care in tone under
consideration before he answered.
 Is it not enough that I want to do
something nice for you, Naef? You& you
were very kind to me today. Can I not simply
give you gifts? I can afford them. It would
make me happy. Isn t that enough?
I scowled, because hadn t I resolved
that I would do my best to make him happy,
since we were stuck with each other?
 Whatever makes you happy, I said sourly,
and then made a concerted effort to unbend
my face.  That& would& be& nice& of you,
I managed on only three breaths. His eyes
grew the size of dinner plates, and he made
that hissing chuckle of his.
 Well, given the effort you just made to
be civil to me, he said, laughing,  that would
be the least I could do.
I grumbled to myself and rolled over in
bed, curling up low on the pillow.  Fine.
Whatever you wish to do, Aerie-Smith. I m
here for your entertainment, right?
I could almost hear him rolling his eyes
at my back.  I didn t mean to hurt your dam-
nable pride, Naef& .
 No worries, I sighed, keeping my back
toward him but letting go of my grudge.  I
really do like it here, you know? I m lousy at
showing it. Lousy at people. You know that. I
was trying not to be such a pain in the arse,
that s all. Of course I have no practice at it,
and so I failed. I m sorry. Just, for once, I
didn t want to be difficult.
I could feel him bending toward me,
and the sudden arrest of his movement. A
thrill zinged through the pit of my stomach
and my groin. He wanted to touch me.
 I don t mind difficult, he said, so close
that his breath teased at my ear, and the one
part of my body that was still mine stood up
and paid attention.  Impossible, I have
trouble with. But difficult is& worth it.
I stared straight out in front of me and
resolved to be brave, and to reach for
something.  Aerie-Smith?
 If I asked you nicely, would you kiss
my temple to bid me good night? My pride
cramped in my stomach, but his lips brushed
my hair, and I almost whimpered. His hand
came to my shoulder so he could steady him-
self, and because I was looking into the dark-
ness it was his real hand, his human hand.
The lips that firmly touched my skin were
human shaped, and warm and firm, and a
little moist but not too. That hand on my
shoulder lingered, stroked, and then took a
chance and slid down my upper arm before
his warmth was gone at my back and he
 Good night, Naef,
 Good night, Aerie-Smith. My name is
He grumbled something about how
sometimes it really was, and then departed,
leaving me on my side, staring into space,
with a hard-on that could spear fish if I poin-
ted it that way and shot.
Ye gods, what a simple kiss had done to
me. I groaned softly, rolled over to my back,
and ran my hands down my new and perfect
body. One hand stalled at my nipples, be-
cause I d liked the feeling of Aerie-Smith s,
and that had seemed to do something for
him, and the other hand coasted past the
dark hair on my lower stomach, straight to
my cock.
My cock had always seemed out of pro-
portion with my body, and so had my balls.
It was long and thick enough that I couldn t
quite touch my thumb and forefinger around
it, and it was a long, hard stroke from base to
tip. Mmmmm& that didn t stop me from
stroking. Hard at the base, harder at the end,
squeezing the foreskin over the flat head,
and then down again. I moved my other
hand from my nipple (which was hard, be-
cause squeezing it was like plucking a string
straight from my nipple to my balls, but it
had to be done) and used that hand to cup
my balls, squeezing gently.
I grunted a little, groaned, and then
stroked myself again and again and again,
arching off the bed and wondering if this had
always felt this good or if it was thinking
about Aerie-Smith that did it. In my mind I
saw him& but not him. I saw him as a man,
features vaguely like his cousin s but harder,
older, with a chin that was more square and
a nose that was more forceful. Then I saw
him bend a head with hair the dark gold of a
lion s, and place it directly over my groin, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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