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Alex nodded, sliding his hands into his pockets.
 How long have you been able to do that?
Alex shrugged.  I don t know really. I ve always been able to get people to talk, but
tonight it was easier, and she obeyed my command when I told her to sleep.
Hallison smiled.  Don t look so down. This is an ability you ll be able to use for
situations like this one. Without you, I don t think she would ve ever talked.
Alex let out a weary sigh. He knew it was a great gift, but he was terrified of using it.
What if he was unable to refrain from wielding it like a weapon? Many vampires turned
rogue after gaining their abilities. Some thought it was the powers that caused them to go
rogue; others thought it was the length of time they lived before gaining them. Living
centuries could drive even the sanest vampire insane.
 I know what you're thinking, and don t, Hallison said quietly.  You re a good
man, Alex. Don t let fear of what you are hold you back.
Alex conceded the man had a point.
 Now, the captain began,  let s get you home before the sun comes up, and you can
tell me everything she told you.
* * * *
 Maybe he s a vampire?
 He isn t a vampire, Mary.
Shaking her head, Tina bagged the customer s purchase before handing her her
 Well, it would explain why he s so strong and only meets with you after dark.
Val groaned from her perch at the end of the counter.  Oh, for the love of Pete,
Mary, would you give it a rest? There s no such thing as vampires.
 So you say, Mary quipped, flipping her platinum locks over her shoulder.  But I m
sticking to my theory. I mean, come on, his eyes are black, for crying out loud.
 Why don t you go help that man? Tina asked wearily, tilting her head toward the
far wall of the store. The man gazing at the items on the rack looked like a kid in a candy
store.  He looks a little lost.
Over the last two weeks Alex came by the shop around seven o clock every night
without fail. They shared dinners, movies, and more heated caresses, but he always
stopped short of taking their intimacy to the next level.
She was beginning to wonder what was wrong with her that would make him halt, as
he never failed to do. She ached to be with him. Every night after he left, she tossed and
turned to libidinous dreams of them together, of their writhing, bodies joined, the air
filled with the sounds of their shared pleasure. Then she d wake up alone, except for the
ache that seemed to have settled permanently within her.
Frowning inwardly, she watched, looking, but not really seeing, as customers roamed
the store. Too many questions filled her mind.
She d become curious over the past few day, wondering if perhaps Alex was hiding
something, and if so, what. He was still closemouthed about much of his past, eluding
questions about his family, friends, and childhood, but always asking many personal
questions about her.
She couldn t hold that against him. There were aspects of her life she would rather
not talk about as well. The past belonged in the past.
Val giggled as she hopped off the bar stool and came to stand alongside Tina behind
the register.  He doesn t look lost. More like he s about to burst in his pants.
 I know. Tina laughed, blinking away from her thoughts.  That s what she gets for
her vampire baloney.
Val nodded.  Has Alex told you anything else about that girl who escaped the
Monthly Murderer?
Running her fingers through her hair, she sighed.  He only told me what he could.
It s an open case, so that wasn t much.
 Well, Val prodded,  what d he say?
Ringing up another customer, Tina smiled sweetly as the man took his bags and
headed toward the door.
Turning to Val, she began.  Unfortunately the woman hit her head and wasn t able to
remember much. She fought with the knots on the ropes binding her until they came free
and ran when the murderer wasn t looking. They think he didn t give chase because she
ran out of the alley and onto a busy sidewalk.
Val tapped her bottom lip. She loved a good mystery. Half of her DVR recordings
consisted of CSI and The Mentalist. Tina always thought Val should have become a
 That isn t much to go on. I m just glad she got away. I wonder if he ll strike again?
 That s the question now, isn t it? Tina agreed.  Her friend gave the sketch artist a
description of the guy the victim left with, but there haven t been any leads.
 Is that the picture the news has been showing?
 Yeah. Tina nodded.  He s handsome. I can see why the women would leave with
 Um-hum. Val nodded her agreement.
The pair worked to ring up and direct customers to their desired sexual purchase for
another half hour. Once they were alone again, Val spoke.
 Mary has a point, you know?
 Oh, no. Tina groaned.  Not you too.
 No, nothing about vampires. Val chuckled.  But I ve been wondering why Alex
only comes around after dark, too, and his eyes are an unnatural black.
 He works on this case nonstop. Night is the only time he has free, and he doesn t
have much time every night. As for his eyes, well, I can t explain that, but they re
 I guess they are, Val agreed quietly then let the subject drop for a few minutes
before asking,  Is it serious between you two?
Tina blinked with surprise.  What? Why would you ask that?
 Because it looks like it s getting serious. You two have only known each other a
couple of weeks, but it s obvious you re crazy about one another.
Tina sighed.  I don t know. Maybe. I don t think he s as into me as you think.
 Are you saying that because he won t have sex with you? Because if you are, you're
 What do you mean? Tina asked curiously.
Val stood from the stool and leaned her back against the countertop.  If he s waiting,
then it s for a reason, and not for the one you're thinking. He s obviously crazy about
you. Maybe he doesn t want to push things too far too fast for fear of losing you, of
frightening you away.
Tina shrugged.  Maybe you're right. I just wish he would tell me a little more about
There was so much she didn t know about Alex, and yet, she couldn t get enough of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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