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believe we were in love and that would be enough.
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Cat Johnson
The full weight of her stupidity hit her hard as she told the story. How she d dropped out of school
after the deadline to get the semester s tuition back that her parents had already paid. It was a considerable
sum and she still felt so guilty about it she couldn t bring herself even to voice it out loud.
Leesa glanced at Chase as he watched and waited for her to continue. Anyway, I left school and
followed him to Vegas where he proceeded to run up tens of thousands of dollars worth of credit-card debt.
Then he left me with three months worth of back rent to pay.
He left you?
She nodded.
Tell me the credit card wasn t in your name. Chase was leaning forward now.
Um, sorry. I wish I could. She cringed knowing how absolutely foolish she sounded.
He leaned back in his chair and shook his head. Wow. What a shithead.
Yeah. That she could agree with easily.
What did your parents say?
I didn t exactly tell my parents the truth. They think I dropped out of school because I got offered a
great job with a huge salary by a corporation in Vegas.
He frowned. Why would you lie?
I m too embarrassed to tell them the truth. And besides, I figure it won t be a lie one day. If I work
hard enough, I can pay off the credit-card debt. Then I ll pay for my last year of school, get my degree and
then get that great job they think I already have.
He shot her a doubt-filled look.
I know. I m crazy. It seemed like a good idea at the time. First I started temping with a secretarial
agency. That was too sporadic and didn t pay that great. So I started waiting tables in a restaurant at one of
the casinos. I pretty much sucked at that so my tips were really bad. I was already working the night shift so
I thought why not try one of the clubs. I d talked to one of the other waitresses who d worked& you
know& doing what I ended up doing. She said the money was phenomenal. I figured I could make enough
at the club to get out of the hole within a year. But living expenses are so high in Vegas and the interest on
my credit cards. She shook her head. Have you ever looked closely at your statement? The part where it
says if you pay the minimum balance you will pay this balance off in thirty-nine years or whatever. It s
I don t have a credit card.
That stopped her story in mid-flow. How can you live without a credit card?
I have a debit card for hotels and airplane tickets or car rentals. Stuff that needs a card. She
considered his credit-less life as he continued. You don t think you could tell your parents the truth? It
would be easier to pay everything off if you moved back home.
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My parents are older. Their health is kind of frail. They don t need my problems on their shoulders.
Leesa shook her head. I can t let them see what I ve become.
Chase frowned. What do you mean, what you ve become?
You know. Her gaze dropped and she rubbed one fingertip aimlessly over the smooth tabletop.
Because you worked in a strip club? Chase kept his voice low. So what?
It s not exactly the profession they paid a fortune in tuition for. It s not something I m very proud
of. Leesa forced herself to look at him, expecting disappointment, but all she saw was sincerity in his eyes.
Don t you think they d rather know the truth and have you there with them, than be kept in the dark
and separated from you?
She shook her head. No. Besides, my older brother lives right down the road from them. With his
great job and beautiful wife and perfect children, he can take good care of them. They don t need me
Chase s hand covered hers, stilling the idle motion of her fingers.
You won t have your parents forever you know. If they re old and frail like you say, you re wasting
precious time with them.
When she frowned at that Chase rushed on. I m not saying that to be mean, Leesa. I m saying it
because it needs to be said. There are no rerides in life.
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