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To Bite a Bear
 Why don t you lie on the bed? He held back
the demand that Harris strip first. It wasn t his
place to make that suggestion. Proceeding with
caution was his path of the night. Although they d
already made love once before, biting someone
during sex added an entirely new dimension to
 Do you want me to take off my shirt? Where
do you like to bite? Harris asked. The eagerness
in the bear shifter s voice had Rohan harden more
in anticipation.
His mind ran amuck with all the places he d
like to suck blood from the bear shifter. Some
places he just wanted to suck.
 Yeah, shirt off would be good. I don t want to
drip any blood on it.
Some vampires weren t tidy and spilled blood
after they drank. Rohan hadn t done that in years.
However, he still wanted to see Harris without a
shirt again. Without a trace of shyness, Harris
stripped off his top, exposing hard muscles and a
thick, lightly furred chest. Vampires didn t have
hair on their bodies except for their head.
Rohan stripped off his own shirt and tossed it
on the floor. Harris admiring gaze didn t help his
cock go down. He could practically feel the
shifter s eyes tracking across his body.
 You don t mind the hair? Harris asked.
Amber Kell
For the first time, he sensed unease from Harris,
as if with the added pressure of a blood bond the
shifter had become unsure of himself.
 Oh no. I like the fact you are a bit of a bear in
both forms. Rohan grinned.
Harris laughed.  Have a bear fetish, do you?
 Absolutely. He had never had one before, but
damn, if he hadn t changed his mind. Vampires
were all about new experiences.  Thanks for
feeding me.
Harris didn t say anything, but he laid down
and put his arms to his sides, as if unsure what to
do with them.  It s not a favor. If you are my
bonded, it s my pleasure and my responsibility. I
don t like the thought of you drinking from
someone else.
 Just relax, love. I won t hurt you.
 I know, Harris replied.  I trust you.
Rohan scanned Harris with his psychic energy.
One of his unique skills as leader was his ability to
sense emotions. Harris smelled of lust, and waves
of affection poured off the bear shifter, wrapping
Rohan in a blanket of warm emotion.
Walking over to the bed, Rohan hesitated for a
moment. Harris wouldn t be like the others he d
fed from before. He d never brought anyone else
to this bed or had this level of anxiety over a
donor. Something told him his life wouldn t be the
same once he took Harris blood.
To Bite a Bear
 Are you waiting for an invitation? Harris
teased.  Because I m inviting.
Rohan couldn t resist the sparkle in his bear
shifter s eyes. Keeping his gaze locked on Harris ,
he climbed on the bed and crawled across Harris
body until he straddled Harris waist.
 Oh, you are so warm! The heat pouring off
Harris had Rohan giving up his teasing to curl up
on Harris chest, pressing his cheek against all that
Harris laughed.  You remind me of Denton on
his heat rock.
 Denton? Oh, your crocodile friend, Rohan
remembered.  I have to admit, I do feel a bit like a
lizard sunning. Vampires naturally run a bit cooler
than other species. I don t remember you being
this warm the other night.
 I m warmer right after I eat, Harris explained.
When Harris stroked Rohan s head, he almost
wished he were a cat shifter so he could purr.
Harris cherished Rohan as if he were truly
something precious instead of a means to an end.
Rohan could easily let the world fade away as he
lay cradled in Harris arms.
 I thought you were going to eat, Harris voice
rumbled beneath Rohan s ear.
 In a minute, Rohan s eyes drooped down.
He d feed in a little bit, after he d absorbed more
of Harris affection. The emotions drifting from
Amber Kell
Harris unknotted the tension he hadn t realized
had built up over the past few weeks. If he could
keep Harris beneath him for days, he d be
perfectly happy.
A knock at the door brought forth his ire.
Furious, he marched over to the door and
ripped it open.  Someone had better be dying, he
 A cop is here. He wants to talk to the leader.
Madeleine s eyes were wide and panicked. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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