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(1979)[v1].html (99 of 166) [10/15/2004 12:52:51 PM]
Alan Dean Foster - Mission to Moulokin
Moulokin rarely venture."
Page 102
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
"Because you're afraid to?" challenged a voice from up in the rigging. A mate
shushed the sailor.
Mirmib had the control as well as the diction of a diplomat. He did not grow
angry, as he would have been justified in doing. "We do not travel because we
find in the stories travelers tell to us all we wish to know of far regions.
As none we are told of sound superior to fair Moulokin, we see no reason to
leave it.
Better to remain and let others perform the arduous task of travel for us."
His gaze focused on Ethan. "As travelers from a place so far distant I cannot
comprehend it, you must have still more exciting tales to tell us." Ethan
started to reply, but Mirmib raised a paw to forestall him.
"Before that can be done, before we can greet you freely as guests and
friends, that simple way of life I
have described to you must be insured against violent disruption. So that the
second gate may be opened to admit you to our home, to my home, I would ask
that you pile your weapons here before me where they can be collected and
stored safe for you by the gate patrol, to await your departure."
He added a few additional words, but they were drowned out by the angry and
uncertain outcry this request produced among the sailors who had gathered
Balavere Longax finally stepped forward. His pres-ence quieted the crew. "From
where I was raised and have lived a long life, no Tran will enter yea even the
home of a neighbor without retaining at least a knife."
"You must be mistrustful of your neighbors." Mirmib sounded unperturbed, but
did not modify or drop his demand.
"Suppose," Hunnar ventured pragmatically, "we refuse?"
Mirmib made the equivalent of a shrug. "I will be saddened by what might
happen. You are trapped here between walls even this wonderful vessel cannot
break. In seconds I, or others if I am unable, can call on large numbers of
waiting soldiers to rally against you. You may still be able to escape, though
I think not.
In any case, many would die, of mine and yours. I would rather not speak of
such unpleasantness. As
Guardian of the Gate, I give my warmth in promise: none of you will be harmed
and you will be welcome as proven friends."
He turned to near-pleading. "Surely this custom seems strange to you. Tis a
requirement for strangers we insist upon. On subsequent visits to Moulokin
such will be not required. You are an unknown and judging by this ship,
powerful factor. My people are insular and suspicious. This request has
preserved us in the past when prevaricating, jealous visitors would have
pillaged us. Please, I implore you, execute this gesture of good will! We wish
your friendship, not your blood."
Hunnar seemed ready to reply. Ethan hastily put a restraining hand on the
knight's arm, felt the tenseness beneath the fur. "It's time for us to take a
chance, Hunnar. If they really wanted a fight, why send a single unarmed
representative to advise us of their in-tentions? That's poor salesmanship.
They could have attacked as soon as we passed through the first gate."
"Why attack if they can win the
Slanderscree with-out a fight?" the knight protested. "This thing is un-heard
of. To enter a strange city is difficult enough, but to do so without weapons
is to invite justified mur-der of all of us, fair retribution for such
stupidity." He growled at the human. "No, it is not a thing to be considered!"
Ethan spoke anxiously. "Hunnar, this whole long trip we've taken together,
from Sofold to Arsudun to here, was not to be considered either. Yet we've
done it. The idea of a confederation of Tran city-states was not to be
considered, and here we are trying to imple-ment that
. Each day you, Balavere and the rest
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Page 103
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Alan Dean Foster - Mission to Moulokin of the crew do things none of your
people imagined doing.
"Now is the time for boldness and risk-taking, not for reverting to primitive
superstitions and dying cus-toms." He paused, aware that Balavere, Elfa, and
the rest of the assemblage were watching him steadily, some without affection.
He kept his poise, and kept his eyes on Hunnar's.
Mirmib spoke into the ensuing silence. "I under-stand not all of what you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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